Tuesday, 29 November 2011

在监狱办企业 Inside job to stop reoffending

Peter Foster, managing director of the family-owned Fosters Bakery in Barnsley, in the north of England, has discovered an unusual answer to a familiar recruitment problem. The town is home to more than a dozen big bakeries, and workers were used to flitting from one job to another, making it hard to raise skill levels or productivity.
彼得•福斯特(Peter Foster)是英格兰北部巴恩斯利市家族企业Fosters Bakery的董事总经理,他发现了一种不同寻常的方法,来解决一个常见的招聘问题。该市拥有超过12家大型面包店,员工们过去经常跳槽,这使得技能或生产率很难提高。
He found the solution behind bars. Invited by Yorkshire Forward, the regional development agency, he visited nearby Lindholme prison where the governor wanted to equip inmates for life outside. Yorkshire Forward built a bakery there and Mr Foster agreed to take serving prisoners on day release, and those leaving prison, to work for him. Their discipline and loyalty are excellent, he says, and “I would rather have them paying taxes than living off them”.
他在监狱找到了解决办法。受地区开发机构Yorkshire Forward的邀请,他参观了附近的林德赫尔墨监狱(Lindholme),监狱长希望让服刑的罪犯为出狱后的生活做好准备。Yorkshire Forward在那里开了家面包店,福斯特同意让处于监外执行期的犯人和那些即将出狱的犯人为他工作。他表示,他们的纪律性和忠诚度非常高,“我更希望让他们缴税,而不是依靠他们。”
Fosters is one of a growing band of companies in the UK that has turned to the prison population for staff, helped by a government drive to cut reoffending rates by finding ex-offenders long-term jobs rather than training opportunities.
英国有越来越多的公司聘用犯人做员工,Fosters Bakery只是其中之一。这些公司得到了一项政府举措的帮助。政府希望为前罪犯找到长期工作,而不只是让他们得到培训机会,借此降低再犯罪率。
The National Offender Management Service (Noms), an arm of the Ministry of Justice, believes that securing a job is the best way to stop ex-inmates returning to prison, yet they face many challenges in finding employment. Noms set up a corporate alliance in 2005 that now has more than 100 member companies.
英国司法部(Ministry of Justice)下属部门国家罪犯管理局(National Offender Management Service)认为,找到一份工作是阻止出狱罪犯重新回到监狱的最佳方法,然而在寻找就业机会方面他们面临众多挑战。该局于2005年创办了一个企业联盟,如今已有100多家会员公司。
Among them is Wiltan, which makes magnetic components including transformer cores in Pontypool, south Wales. Alison Itani, director, says it has had great difficulty finding staff and “had to learn to think beyond the traditional recruitment routes”.
其中包括威尔士南部庞蒂浦市的Wiltan,该公司生产包括变压器铁芯在内的各种磁性元件。公司董事艾莉森•伊塔尼(Alison Itani)表示,很难找到员工,因此“不得不学着跳出传统招聘模式来思考问题。”
She says: “There is undoubtedly a large pool of under-utilised skilled men and women in our prisons who are due for release into our communities, and who are keen and willing to work. Those we have employed have been exemplary employees.”
The justice ministry says every year almost 12m hours are worked in prison industries, valued at about £30m ($49m, €35m) to businesses. “In 2007 almost 40,000 prisoners [out of 65,000] went into training or employment at the end of their sentence,” it says. The reoffending rate for all offenders dropped from 49 per cent to 40 per cent in 2000-2007.
The terms of operation for Noms prevent it undercutting the private sector because of the low wages paid – typically between £10 and £20 a week. In fact, 80 per cent of the work done in prisons is for the internal market, such as growing food for use in the institution's kitchens.
Summit Media is one business born in a prison, which has since expanded beyond its walls. The online marketing company was set up by Hedley Aylott and his mother Marion in 2000. A chorister and pianist, Mr Aylott started staging productions inside prisons during university vacations.
Summit Media是在监狱里诞生的一家企业,随后该公司把业务扩大到了监狱以外。这家在线营销公司由赫德利•艾洛特(Hedley Aylott)和他的母亲马里恩(Marion)于2000年创办。作为唱诗班歌手和钢琴演奏家,艾洛特在大学假期期间就开始在监狱里演奏他的作品。
In 1994, after graduating in engineering from Nottingham University, he was taking a postgraduate degree in Manchester when he was invited to work with inmates at Strangeways prison. It was the height of the gang wars that saw the city dubbed Gunchester. He and gang members formed Pro-ject X with DJ Justin Robinson and released a top 20 hit, “The Summit”, calling for an end to violence.
1994年从诺丁汉大学(Nottingham University)工程系毕业后,艾洛特在曼彻斯特继续攻读硕士学位。这时他受邀与斯特兰奇韦斯监狱(Strangeways)的犯人合作。当时是帮派冲突最严重的时期,使曼彻斯特获得了“枪之城”(Gunchester)的称号。艾洛特和一伙黑社会成员以及流行音乐主持人贾斯汀•罗宾逊(Justin Robinson)组建了Pro-ject X乐队,并发行了一首呼吁结束暴力的单曲The Summit,跻身歌曲排行榜20强。
Then, in 1995, he recalls: “I had a call from an East Yorkshire prison called the Wolds. The governor said: ‘I don't like your record but I would like you to come and do something here.'”
Within weeks Mr Aylott was running workshops and staging performances inside. But he became frustrated that skills such as set design, musical composition and building websites were wasted after the production finished. “I decided to try to set up an online company within the prison. Well, you only live once, don't you?” Mrs Aylott, then head of education at Norwich prison, left her job to work with her son at the new venture.
Summit set up shop in the prison's former garden gnome factory in 2001. Since then it has grown considerably, raising turnover from £100,000 to £21m in 2008-2009. Its clients include Argos and Play.com, two of the UK's top internet retailers.
Summit Media于2001年在这所监狱过去制作花园小矮人的工厂内开设了店铺。此后,该公司迅速壮大,2008年至2009年,营业额从10万英镑增至2100万英镑。其客户包括英国最大的两家互联网零售商Argos和Play.com。
Charlotte Broughton-May, a former prison officer who runs Summit operations at the Wolds, sifts through dozens of applications from prisons all over the country. The company will not accept anyone who has a conviction for intimidating witnesses or information technology fraud. It interviews them and makes a presentation to senior executives.
前监狱官夏洛特•布洛登-梅(Charlotte Broughton-May)在沃尔兹监狱经营Summit Media的业务,她是从来自全国各地监狱的申请者中脱颖而出的。该公司不会接受那些犯有胁迫证人罪或信息科技欺诈罪的犯人。公司会对他们进行面试,并向高管进行汇报。
Mr Aylottexplains: “I say ‘I am going to trust you and give you as much responsibility as possible, so do not let me down.' In our experience, very few people do.”
The prisoners, some of whom are on day release, earn £20 a week but Mr Aylott denies that cheap labour is a factor in the company's success. In fact, he says, “helping these people achieve success is a lifetime's work fraught with difficulty”. Not many businesses would be willing to take on the risk, he says, adding: “We have clients coming to visit and . . . getting patted down.”
But, he says, the prisoners help the business: “They are down-to-earth and come up with different ways of doing things.”
BCW Engineering, in Burnley, also seeks out ex-offenders. Alec Cassie, managing director, says: “It takes up a lot of management time. But it is well worth it to fix broken people.”
位于伯恩利的BCW Engineering也在挑选刑满释放人员聘为员工。该公司董事总经理亚历克•卡西(Alec Cassie)表示:“这占据了大量管理时间。但为了让他们重新做人,这是非常值得的。”
Summit has trained more than 350 ex-inmates, and 10 work for the company, out of a staff of 59. There are also 18 at the Wolds itself.
Summit Media培训了350多名刑满释放人员,该公司59名员工中,有10名刑满释放人员。此外还有18人在沃尔兹监狱工作。
Atti Ikbal, a lifer, is one of them. Aged 36, he has spent most of his adult life in prison, and is now running a team ensuring that customers' websites are running smoothly. “I love it,” he says. “If I am not getting it right someone is losing money.
被判无期徒刑的艾提•伊克伯(Atti Ikbal)就是其中之一。36岁的他,大部分成人时期都是在监狱度过的。如今,他管理着一个团队,负责确保客户网站平稳运行。“我喜欢这份工作,”他表示,“如果我出了差错,就会有人亏损。”
“If I didn't have this job I don't know what I would do with my life. For the first time, I am looking forward to getting out.”
How do employees feel about working alongside ex-offenders? Mr Foster says his 200-plus staff are sympathetic, and that some employees “have friends or family in prison. They understand”.
He believes former prisoners have generally made good employees. “Prison life has given them discipline. You get a great employee, who will stick with you through thick and thin.”

source: http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001027829/ce

Monday, 28 November 2011

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) is the name given to arrangements in England and Wales for the "responsible authorities" tasked with the management of registered sex offenders, violent and other types of sexual offenders, and offenders who pose a serious risk of harm to the public.[1] The "responsible authorities" of the MAPPA include the National Probation DirectorateHM Prison Service and England and Wales Police Forces. MAPPA is coordinated and supported nationally by the Public Protection Unit within the National Offender Management Service. MAPPA was introduced by theCriminal Justice and Courts Services Act 2000 and was strengthened under the Criminal Justice Act 2003.
Following the Criminal Justice Act 2003, Lay Advisors have been introduced to sit on Strategic Management Boards (SMBs) who have the strategic oversight of MAPPA. These are members of the public who have been selected to help with the development and monitoring of Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements and aim to boost public confidence in the arrangements. There should be two Lay Advisers on each SMB in England and Wales, a total of 84 nationally.



[edit]Assessment of offenders

The legislation requires a three stage process for managing dangerous offenders. First, these three agencies in conjunction with partner agencies, such as social services and health agencies, need to identify three types of offender living in their area:
  • Category 1: Registered Sex Offenders (RSOs),
  • Category 2: All offenders who have received a custodial sentence of 12 months or more in prison for a sexual or violent offence and whilst they remain under Probation supervision.
  • Category 3: Anyone else who poses a "risk of serious harm to the public" who has received a conviction and whose risk would be better managed in a multi-agency setting.
An offender cannot be in more than one MAPPA Category, and if multiple offences are committed, they will default to the lowest number category. For instance, if an offender committed an attempted murder, but also committed a sexual assault, they would be a Category 1 offender rather than a Category 2 for the duration of their Sex Offender Registration. Following the completion of their registration, if they were still under Probation supervision/licence then they would become a Category 2 offender. If the supervision/licence had expired, then it would be up to the local area MAPPA if they qualify for Category 3 status.
The legislation then requires that the agencies conduct a formal risk assessment of each offender and allocate them to a tier of multi-agency management — known as level one, two or three.
  • Level One represents the normal inter-agency management of the offender in the community by one agency, with some liaison.
  • Level Two means that Multi Agency Public Protection meetings (MAPPs) will be held where the offender's management will be discussed between various parties involved in their case.
  • Level Three is essentially the same as Level Two, except that senior management representatives will be in attendance and greater resources are expected to be used in the management of the offender.
Level Three are sometimes called the "critical few". These are offenders posing the highest possible level of risk to the public and normally necessitates a specific case conference to pool unusual agency resources and ensure a strategically coordinated risk management plan. These might be predatory sex offenders, recidivist arsonists, extremely violent offenders, dangerouslymentally ill offenders, domestic terrorists or people with dangerous personality disorders. At each MAPP meeting agencies have to share often confidential information, and will in many cases adopt a press strategy.

[edit]Risk assessment

Before a management plan is put in place a detailed risk assessment will take place to identify the circumstances and opportunities that are most likely to lead to a further serious offence in this particular offender and the steps that can help reduce this risk. This will study the offender's previous offending history, life circumstances, include psychological assessments (where relevant) and any work in prison that the offender has completed. The Police and the National Probation Service use a risk assessment tool called Risk Matrix 2000 which is assesses the statistical likelihood of re-offending by adult male convicted sex offenders only. The Probation Service use a nationally validated risk assessment tool called OASys which help predict the likelihood and circumstances of future offencing behaviour. For young offenders, the Youth Justice Board uses a system called ASSET which is specifically designed to understand the behaviours of offenders under the age of eighteen.

[edit]Management plan

A management plan is thus highly specific to each offender and their offending history, but might include any of the following:
  • Accommodation at an Approved Premises (AP) where the offender can be monitored.
  • A set of licence conditions such as having contact with children, or going within an exclusion zone in a town/city.
  • A Civil Order such as a Sex Offender Prevention Order (SOPO) to prevent the offender doing certain activities, such as not entering a town where a victim resides, not to have unsupervised contact with children.
  • A duty to report to an Offender Manager every week to undertake offending reduction counseling and work as part of their licence.
  • In some very extreme cases there may be covert monitoring of offenders to protect the public.
  • A disclosure of information to a member of the public for their protection.
The MAPPA system cannot guarantee the protection of the public as such, but can only "manage" the risks through the limited powers of each agency as effectively as possible. This means that all steps that can be legitimately taken by the agencies should be taken. MAPPA decision making is frequently fraught with dilemmas. For example, it is not uncommon for a MAPPA meeting to decide to disclose to a member of the public about an offender's risk to protect that individual or somebody else. However each time that a disclosure is made the Panel loses control of the way that information is used. Some sex offenders have been attacked and killed as a result of public animosity, and others "driven underground" where agencies can't manage them at all.

[edit]Criticism of the MAPPA

Points of criticism of the MAPPA include:
  • Research has highlighted MAPPA arrangements are not uniformly applied and that standards, practice and procedure varies considerably between local areas.[2]
  • Apart from a one-off payment two years ago, there has been no extra funding for police, probation or prisons, or indeed other agencies for dedicated resourcing of MAPPA work.[citation needed]
  • The law on information sharing is complex and confusing, and includes a meshing of human rightsdata protectioncommon law and defamation legislation.[citation needed]
  • Evaluation mechanisms of MAPPA are in most agencies immature and still in process of development. It is therefore hard to know how much these measures are tangibly adding to public protection.[citation needed]
  • The focus has been on level three cases, but level two cases can be extremely dangerous as well, and there has often been little or no evaluation of the management of these cases in reporting mechanisms.[citation needed]
  • Recent research indicates that there is inadequate training and professional support for staff working in Public Protection Arrangements across many parts of the country.[2]

[edit]Similar systems in other countries


MAPPA in Scotland is based on the systems in place in England and Wales, with a few minor differences. The most noticeable of these is that in England and Wales the "responsible authority" is made up of the Probation Service, the Police Service and HM Prison Services; whereas in Scotland they are made up of the Police Service, Social Work Scotland, Scottish Prison Service andNHS Scotland.
The arrangements are much newer than in England and Wales and while they have the policy in place to take Category 2 offenders, they do not yet do so. It is anticipated that Category 2 offenders will not be under Scottish MAPPA until after 2009.[3]
On 31 March 2009, there were a total of 2967 registered sex offenders (RSOs) resident in Scotland’s communities (equating to 57.4 RSO’s per 100,000 of the Scottish population), which whilst generally consistent with the previous year’s figures indicates a slight decrease from 31 March 2008, when the recorded figure was 3131.[4]

[edit]Northern Ireland

The Multi-Agency Sex Offender Risk Assessment and Management (MASRAM) Arrangements were used in Northern Ireland. They were originally launched on 1 September 2001, but not to the same statutory footing as MAPPA in England and Wales. Following an inspection by Criminal Justice Inspection NI and a review of the circumstances around the re-offending by Trevor Hamilton and the death of Attracta Harron, it was announced that the MASRAM arrangements would be placed on a statutory footing and based on the MAPPA in England and Wales with the view to extend MASRAM to also cover what MAPPA calls Category 2 and 3.
Following the Criminal Justice (NI) Order 2008, from October 6, 2008, the MASRAM arrangements were placed on a statutory footing under a new name of the Public Protection Arrangements Northern Ireland (PPANI). PPANI is very similar to the England and Wales MAPPA with the only minor differences being that certain names are different. For instance, for what the England and Wales MAPPA calls a Multi-Agency Public Protection (MAPP) meeting, PPANI calls it a Local Area Public Protection Panel (LAPPP).[5] Unlike MAPPA in Scotland, PPANI also has in place two members of the public as Lay Members on their Senior Management Boards.[6]

Sunday, 27 November 2011



  是刑事诉讼中的一个审判前的程序,叫预审程序(Preliminary Hearing)。根据美国较为权威的《布莱克法律词典》的解释:“预审是指(通常由治安法官主持进行的)决定是否有足够的证据起诉被告人的刑事听证程序。”[1] 美国联邦司法中心主编的法院工作人员培训教材《美国联邦地区法院刑事诉讼流程》中对预审的解释为:“一个指控前的听审,在该庭审中检察官必须提出足够的证据,以证明具有充分理由相信一项联邦犯罪已被实施且该犯罪系被告人所实施。”[2]而在大陆法国家学者看来:“预审法官确认犯罪事实,查证情节,集中所有迹象,力求证实作案人,这就是预审(D instruction)。”[3] 据此可以概括,预审(Preliminary examination)是一种刑事诉讼制度,是法官行使司法权对侦查和起诉进行审查和监督的活动。


  。狭义的预审是指在刑事诉讼中,拥有司法审查权的主体依法对检控方准备起诉的案件进行审 查,以确定案件是否符合起诉的条件,从而决定是否应当起诉,将案件交付审判的程序。简而言之,狭义的预审仅指对检控方的起诉进行审查的程序,可以将其称之为“纯粹司法审查意义上的预审”,从各国立法来看,主要是指对较为严重的案件的公诉请求进行审查的程序。广义的预审是指在刑事诉讼中,拥有预审权力的主体依法参与刑事案件的侦查活动,并对检控方准备起诉的案件进行审查,以确定案件是否符合起诉的条件,从而决定是否应当起诉,将案件交付审判的程序。




Megan's Law梅根法案與性侵害加害人出獄後的風險控管(转贴)

美國的「梅根法案Megan’s Law and etc.」其實是許多相關法律的概稱,
源於1994年New Jersey州的小女孩Megan Kanka遭住家附近的性侵犯性侵並殺害。
在聯邦法令層級,目前主要的規範是Sexual Offender (Jacob Wetterling) Act of 1994;
其中在網站公告部分,普遍的作法是完全不受控制、審查(uncontrolled access)地
英國目前的制度是Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)
主管機關Home Secretary反而比較強調家長責任,認為家長應多與子女溝通、
因此,英國政府較強調他們的資訊公告制度是in a controlled way
已對特定兒童少年產生嚴重傷害的風險(presents a risk if serious harm)。
在上訴法院1999年R. v. Chief Constable of the North Wales Police and Others,
Ex parte Thorpe and Another
, [1999] Q.B. 396判決中,

另一案例,是高等法院2002年的Re C, [2002] EWHC 234判決。
同意將C的記錄提供給所有可能租屋給C的housing association,
(1)同意主管機關可將C的資訊,提供給目前租屋給C的housing association中的資深員工,
但拒絕主管機關將資訊提供給未來可能租屋予C的housing association,



Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

The Crown Prosecution Service is the Government Department responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales.
The Crown Prosecution (检察部门)是个政府部门,該部門負責起诉英格兰和威尔士警察所调查的刑事案件。
As the principal prosecuting authority in England and Wales, we are responsible for:
  • advising the police on cases for possible prosecution;
  • 可能起诉案件提供意见给警方;
  • reviewing cases submitted by the police;
  • 审查警方提交案件;
  • determining any charges in all but minor cases;
  • 判决除了轻微犯罪案件之外的所有指控;
  • preparing cases for court;
  • 准备法庭案件;
  • presenting cases at court.
  • 在法庭提出案件
